
Thursday, 27 August 2020

Comic/Badge of Honour


Gideon Covid-19/Narrative writing

 Throughout the year of 2020 the entire world has been battling the virus called Covid-19. In Auckland, New Zealand we have been at levels 3 and 4. My siblings and I were watching movies one day then the news bulletin came on about Covid 19 finally being over.We all stared at each other then started jumping up and down like monkeys and screaming with happiness. Our parents came in and asked us¨why are all of you jumping up and down and screaming¨. We all pointed at the TV and said finally. Both our parents saw the news on the television they were so happy and they told us that sometime this week we are going to do something good.We didn't know what was going on but we went to our rooms thinking what our parents were on about. The next day our parents told us that they had a surprise.

They told us to pack a bag each. While we were packing our bags all we could think about is “what are our parents up to”?. They said when we are finished make sure we have everything including our toiletries and put our bags into the car when we are done. My dad said when the bags are packed and everyone is in the car we can go. As we wait in the car for our dad everyone is happy and wondering what's happening because only our parents knew. My dad then asked “do we have everything” because we're not turning back .When we were driving I looked at the time. We had been driving for 45 minutes , then a huge bang I then started looking out the window, and saw people,cars, planes and some food outlets. My parents then looked at each other and said oh no what was that.

My dad looked devastated because he saw that the tyre was flat.Then our dad told us he was going to get an extra tyre and a jack out of the boot and he then said to all of us top exit the car safely so he can change the tyre. My dad finished putting on the extra tyre and told all of us to get back in the car and put on your seat belts so we can go.then my dad said to my mum “I hope it’s only the tyre problem” today.As we drove closer I asked my parents ¨are we at the airport and what's happening?. Our parents said to us ¨we know that this time has been hard but now that this virus is under control we can go on a holiday¨.

On a holiday I replied back to them in happiness. Where are we going? I asked my parents they said it's not a surprise if we tell you. We were all excited because it was our first time going on a holiday ever since this virus took over.We all were getting nervous because we had to get ready to go through security.After 30 minutes going through security we all started to get happier again because we’re getting closer to knowing what was going on. My parents heard the flight number over the intercom and told us “let’s go” we then got onto our plane. Then the flight attendants started doing their demonstration and then we were told to buckle our seat belts before take off. It has been 6 hours and me and my siblings still didn’t know where we are going.

The plane had stopped so I was wondering why we stopped. The captain told us we were at our destination but our parents told us to “block our ears and close your eyes” and we did what they said and they were holding on to our t-shirts and guiding us . We all stopped and asked our parents``why did we stop '' and they said “open your eyes”.Before we opened our eyes to see where we were all we could feel was the amazing hot weather.When we opened our eyes we all were shocked. We all saw the sign and it said welcome to Niue. This is one of the places my whole family talked about visiting and also the Cook Islands. That's why it’s going to be the best family holiday ever.

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

NZ. Math Quiz-Tuesday

 Today for math quiz the problems was about length,weight,area and time but they were easy but soon they got harder and harder but I took my time and worked it all on a peace of paper but I pass the quiz again but next time its not going to be easy for me so I need to ready for tomorrow

NZ. Math Quiz-Monday

 Yesterday my class did this math quiz but I did it but didn't blog it but the problems was a little bit hard but I took my time to solved the problems but I was able to pass the quiz

Thursday, 25 June 2020


Mr and Mrs Gock explaintions writing


Mr and Mrs gock have been together for a very long time. They are chinese and they live in New Zealand. They like to garden and help their plants grow but they've been having some trouble growing their plants.

The reason why they are having some trouble is because there was a disease called the black rot and this disease likes to spread around vegetables and Mr and Mrs gock likes to grow kumaras and the disease likes to spread and they also needed to keep their broccoli fresh and clean.

all of their broccolis are turning yellow and limp because once you pick the broccoli the broccoli doesn’t stay for long and Mr gock wanted to keep them fresh and green not yellow and limp and that's why Mr gock found a way to keep them fresh and green by putting the broccoli inside a chill bin or in a polystyrene with ice in it and that's how Mr gock keeped his broccoli fresh and green and they also can’t tell watermelons apart.

There are some watermelon with seeds in it and some watermelon has no seeds in it and that’s why Mr and Mrs Gock had trouble telling them apart because the watermelon with seeds and without seeds apart so they put a sticker on the watermelon with seeds in it and that’s how they could tell the watermelons apart.

Mr and Mrs Gock ideas like when they put stickers on the watermelons to tell them apart and all of the others then after that all of the other gardens used their ideas and now when you go to the supermarket all of them has their interesting ideas in there and thanks to Mr and Mrs Gock for their contributions they did for New Zealand.

DLO- Mr and Mrs Gock

Wednesday, 17 June 2020


This is my other groups strategy and the problem was Malakai's mother is making a ta'OVala for all the boys in the Tongan group at school.Each boy needs 1 and 1/2 metres of mat and she has 30 many ta'OVala does she make?


Today my group Taha was discussing our strategy this is my group strategy and the problem was
Malakai's mother is making a ta'OVala for all the boys in the Tongan group at school.Each boy needs 1 and 1/2 metres of mat and she has 30 many ta'OVala does she make?

Mr and Mrs gock photo album

Saturday, 13 June 2020

My HomeWork

Today I’ve been working really hard to finish my homework but I’ve been doing some other stuff as well as trying to finish my homework but I was able to finish some of my homework even my blog comments.I needed to finish those one first or I’ll have to finish them at school and the rest of them but here are the blog comments I've finished.



My Day

Today I had a lot of work to finish but it was a little bit hard for me but I pushed myself to finish all of it.Because if I didn’t I would stay back in class to finish it and I didn’t want to do that.

firstly work I started with was to comment on ten peoples blog in my class and so I got to work.After an hour I was done and then I had to put all of the ten blogs on a google sheet that our teacher did for us.Once I was done it was the after noon and I had lunch after lunch I went straight back to work.

Next I had to post a lot of work and I was working for two hours and I got a lot of my work done and I had to post all of them onto my blog.Because I haven’t been blogging when we were in the lock down.Soon I was finish and so exhausted and really sleepy so after having dinner I went to bed


Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Monday, 13 April 2020

Facts About stars

Nonrenewable Energy

time tables to 10

Today i'm learning my time tables up to 10 And tomorrow i'm doing it up to 15

1x1=1  2x1=2  3x1=3  4x1=4 5x1=5 6x1=6 7x1=7 8x1=8 9x1=9 10x1=10

1x2=2  2x2=4  3x2=6  4x2=8 5x2=10 6x2=12 7x2=14 8x2=16 9x2=18 10x2=20

1x3=3  2x3=6  3x3=9  4x3=12 5x3=15 6x3=18 7x3=21 8x3=24 9x3=27 10x3=30

1x4=4  2x4=8  3x4=12  4x4=16 5x4=20 6x4=24 7x4=28 8x4=32 9x4=36 10x4=40

1x5=5  2x5=10  3x5=15  4x5=20 5x5=25 6x5=30 7x5=35 8x5=40 9x5=45 10x5=50

1x6=6  2x6=12  3x6=18  4x6=24 5x6=30 6x6=36 7x6=42 8x6=48 9x6=54 10x6=60

1x7=7  2x7=14  3x7=21  4x7=28 5x7=35 6x7=42 7x7=49 8x7=56 9x7=63 10x7=70

1x8=8  2x8=16  3x8=24  4x8=32 5x8=40 6x8=48 7x8=56 8x8=64 9x8=72 10x8=80

1x9=9  2x9=18  3x9=27  4x9=36 5x9=45 6x9=54 7x9=63 8x9=72 9x9=81 10x9=90

1x10=10  2x10=20  3x10=30  4x10=40 5x10=50 6x10=60 7x10=70 8x10=80 9x10=90 10x10=100

1x11=11  2x11=22  3x11=33  4x11=44 5x11=55 6x11=66 7x11=77 8x11=88 9x11=99 10x11=110

1x12=12  2x12=24  3x12=36  4x12=48 5x12=60 6x12=72 7x12=84 8x12=96  9x12=108  10x12=120

Time tables to 5

Today i'm learning my time tables up to 5 And tomorrow i'm doing it up to 10

1x1=1  2x1=2  3x1=3  4x1=4  5x1=5

1x2=2  2x2=4  3x2=6  4x2=8  5x2=10

1x3=3  2x3=6  3x3=9  4x3=12  5x3=15

1x4=4  2x4=8  3x4=12  4x4=16  5x4=20

1x5=5  2x5=10  3x5=15  4x5=20  5x5=25

1x6=6  2x6=12  3x6=18  4x6=24  5x6=30

1x7=7  2x7=14  3x7=21  4x7=28  5x7=35

1x8=8  2x8=16  3x8=24  4x8=32  5x8=40

1x9=9  2x9=18  3x9=27  4x9=36  5x9=45

1x10=10  2x10=20  3x10=30  4x10=40  5x10=50

1x11=11  2x11=22  3x11=33  4x11=44  5x11=55

1x12=12  2x12=24  3x12=36  4x12=48  5x12=60

Renewable Energy


Thursday, 2 April 2020

Day 3 of the lockdown

For the last three days I've been watching the news and yesterday was the lock down and nobody was allowed out after 8:00pm or you'll get a ticket and every time at night it would always be quiet.

This time when I went to go watch the news the coronavirus has doubled and doubled and the total number of people who got the coronavirus is 102 people and soon or later it's going to get worse.

In the afternoon our principal Mis patea came to our house to deliver some lone device to me and my family.Then they left we were all excited because this is the first time taking our chrome books or lone device home.

 Soon we had dinner and did our homework after dinner and once we were done with our home work we put the chrome book into the bag and went to bed.

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Maths Strategy

Maths Strategy

Day 2 of the lockdown

As we woke up we looked on the news to see if the coronavirus got better or worse and as we looked on the news there were 12 people who got the coronavirus in New Zealand. If it got worse it would be a level four and then the people had to stay in their house till its end.

In the afternoon one of our teacher ads came to our house with some snacks for us and we helped her and then she left and we said thank you for the snacks.We were getting a little bit hungry so we had to pick 2 snacks to eat and we all picked a fruit and a nut.

It was almost night and we all finished our dinner and had a bag of lollies and watched a movie together. After the movie we all went to bed but before we went to bed we looked on the news and no one was aloud out of there house after 8:00pm and then we went to bed.

The day of the lockdown

It was a fine morning as we were watching the news and discovered that the coronavirus was in New zealand.the people were running all over the place looking for supplies before the lock down so we put on our masks and gloves and left.

 As we arrived at the shops we all saw people getting supplies for them and their family and once we went into the shop there was nothing we need and so we went to the others shops and still nothing and eventually We had found a shop with the stuff we needed.

 As we finished shopping we headed home.As we got home we had dinner and still waited for the lockdown and after one hour we looked on the news and it told us that we need to stay in when it's 8:00pm and later it was 8:00pm.Then we all went to bed trying to think what would happen if you get the coronavirus.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Maths Strategies

6. A) 50 metres x a week= 7 days
50 x 7 = 350

B) 350 x 2 = 700 
50 x 2= 100 x a week= 7 days= 700.

700 + 700 = 1400 + 350= 1750 metres

3. A) 60 + 60 + 60= 180 
180 divided by 20 = 9 
9 x 30= 270 metres

B) 60 x 15=900 seconds
900 divided by 20= 45
45 x 30= 1350 metres

C) 60 x 20= 1200 divided by 20= 60
60 x 30=1800 metres

2 sentence starters