Today for technology we studied about vertebrates and invertebrates with Mrs Sharma . Vertebrates are animals that have backbones such as humans, horses and other animals. While invertebrates have no backbone this group of animals consists of insects, spiders, snails and more. After that we had a kahoot game about invertebrates and vertebrates and Mason and I Won. We had fun learning with Mrs Sharma and we hope to learn some more with her.
I am a Year 8 student at Glenbrae School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 7 and my teachers are Mrs Tofa and Mrs Raj.
Friday, 19 November 2021
Friday, 12 November 2021
Monday, 1 November 2021
Friday, 1 October 2021
Technology - States of matter
So today in technology we learnt about the three states of matter which is gas, liquid and solid with our technology teacher mrs sharma we had a lot of fun learning about the states of matter and we also got to play a kahoot about it as well and I enjoyed it.
Tuesday, 21 September 2021
ToiToi Challenge-PWC
Today I did the Toitoi challenge and I had to answer and listen to the challenges and there were 9 stories that I could pick but I only picked the first 2 but I really enjoyed the story's and I have finished 2 challenge's and I also got a certificate at the end.
Friday, 17 September 2021
Technology - Flower Power
So today for technology we were going to learn about athe parts of a flower and how it also functions but the first thing we had to do is to get a paper, pencil, rubber, leaf and a flower and once we got all of the things we needed we could start our learning. The first thing we had to do is draw a flower and labeled the parts and once we were done drawing the flower we had to answer some of our teachers question about the root, stem, and petals, and when we were done we watched a video about the parts of the flower and after the video we played some games about the parts of a flower.
Monday, 13 September 2021
Current events

Thursday, 9 September 2021
Current events
So today I read an article from kiwi kids news about a 13 year old girl who's broken two Guinness World Records for spinning in a wind tunnel.
The first broken record was for the most front split spins in one minute and she managed to do 78 front split spins in one minute.Then for the second record was to do the most 360 horizontal spins in one minute and she managed to do 60 horizontal spins in the allotted time.
Tongan Language Week - Learning how to skip count in 10 from 0 - 100 in Tongan
So today I learnt how to skip count in 10 from 0 to 100 in Tongan and i really had fun because I learnt how to skip count in 10 from 0 to 100 in a different culture.
Here is my SISOMO about me skip counting in 10 from 0 to 100 in Tongan and sorry if I pronounce the noa wrong.
Wednesday, 8 September 2021
Current events
So today I read an article from the kiwi kids news about a huge whale playing with a paddle boarder and a Photographer Maxi Jonas posted a video on Twitter showing the southern right whale in Puerto Madryn and also, the whale gives the paddle board a push with its fin before tracking the board’s movements while swimming directly under it.
The Whales are common in Puerto Madryn with the whale watching season going from May through to December and more than 1,600 southern right whales have been spotted near Puerto Madryn shore so far this year.
Tongan Language Week - Learning how to count from 13 - 20 in Tongan
So today I learnt how to count from 13 to 20 in Tongan and i really had fun because I learnt how to count from 13 to 20 in a different culture.
Here is my SISOMO about me count from 13 to 20 in Tongan.
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
Tongan Language Week - Learning how to count from 1 - 12 in Tongan
So today I got to learn how to count from 1 to 12 in Tongan and i really had fun because I got to learn how to count from 1 to 12 in a different culture.
Here is my SISOMO about me count from 1 to 12 in Tongan.
So today for my Literacy Task I had to make a SISOMO of me talking about if I Agreed or disagreed with this that this person has written about if instead of falling behind this group of lockdown kids are actually ahead.
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
Thursday, 5 August 2021
Mud run Gal boys & Girls
As the clown did the countdown from ten to five each number he said made my heart beat faster and faster till it got to 5 then we all started walking to give each other space and after 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 we were off. As we were running on a path, the crowd was cheering us on until we got to the bridge then the challenge has started.
We were running as fast as we can to make it through the other kids that were holding up the line but then it got longer and longer and we couldn't wait anymore so we had to use our surroundings and there were some small hills that were on an angle so we ran on an angle past all of the other kids that were participating. As we were jogging past some of the other kids that were participating we see that some of them were getting stuck in the mud and even some of the shoes were getting stuck.
After jogging through all of the mud puddles and past the other kids we were wondering where was all of the obstacles and then when seen one huge one and that one huge obstacle was jogging up a mountain and we saw most of them were struggling to make it to the very top and when we got to the top it didn't stop there cause there were other obstacles but this one was to do with climbing and then we had to run back down the hill while not falling and when we finished running down the hill we started jumping over muddy puddles and then we got to our next obstacles which were crawling on our hands and knees under ropes then arm crawled through a tunnel.
Then we went back to jumping over tree logs and also muddy puddles and we were getting tired of each step we took and then we came back to the hill on an angle. Then after a few more steps, we were at the bridge we see the crowd cheering us as we jog on the path we came from and then we made it to the finish line and I was proud of myself and I had fun and enjoyed it and I wish I could do this again in the future.
Thursday, 29 July 2021
Wednesday, 28 July 2021
So today in Kiwi can we had a new leader called Mrs. B and she was going to be with us for the rest of the term and we were all excited but all so sad because one of the kiwis can leaders we all like left us because she had to work with another school. But then Mrs. Mac said hola to us and we had to guess where the langue was and mason said Hawaii and he got it right then Mrs mac told us to get into groups of 2 for our energizer and the game we played made the emotions. Then after some round of making the emotions, we all got back into a circle and we all talked about what is difference between emotions and feelings and when we were done talking about emotions and feelings Mrs. B told us a cool story about how her parents got angry at her and then when she was done with her story. We all got into a group of 5 or 6 and the game , was called don't play with my emotions and each of the group got, an emotion to act out and then we all had to guest that emotion that group got and when we were done with the game don't play with my emotions we all got back into the circle and said our chant and said goodbye to the kiwi can leaders and we back to class.
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
Blues Rugby scores for 2021 season:19,14,24,8,19,9,13,16,19,6,12
in order 6,8,9,12,13,14,16,19,19,19,24
Add numbers=159
Most occurring=(19)
Divided number=14.45
Today we learnt about statistics using mean, median and mode. mean stands for average and to find out the average you need to add all of the numbers together and divide the answer by the numbers you had and that's how you get you average and to get your middle you need to see what number is in the middle of all of your numbers and finally you have is your occurring see what number stands out the most.
Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Tuesday, 8 June 2021
The Simi family traveled to KeriKeri on the weekend. The distance from Auckland to KeriKeri is 244 km. Mr Simi miscalculated the petrol they needed and only put in enough petrol to last them 3/4 of the way. How many Kilometres did they travel before they needed more petrol.
So what me and my group did was unpack the problem with each other and what we found out was the Simi family needed to travel 244 km and they had enough petrol to last them about 3/4 of the way
so first we did 244 km divided by 4 which gave us 61 km then we multiplied the 61 km by 3 which gave us 183 km and that was our answer.
Monday, 24 May 2021
Pause Breathe Smile
So today was our first lesson on Pause Breathe Smile. We all got into a circle and started our lesson Mrs Tofa told all of us to close our eyes and breathe in and out then she told us when our mind goes somewhere we can say wonder and our mind will come back to us. Then she told us all to sit up straight and put our hands on our stomach and told us to breathe in and out will putting our hands on our stomach after doing this activity I felt like I was in a different world and I also felt clam.I really enjoyed this activity and I can't wait for the next pause breathe smile lesson.
Friday, 21 May 2021
Last week in Technology- Coding microbit
So today was our last week of coding in Technology with our lovely teacher Miss Fergson. We had to use microbits to code steps. Its was really hard to do because we had to measure how long was a single leg stride, Miss Ferguson showed us how to measure our footsteps using a ruler and a chalk once we were done we coded the length of our footstep into the microbit and had a test try and once we found out it worked we were all happy and now i'm going to miss this coding class because I had lost of fun with our teacher Miss Fergson.
Thursday, 20 May 2021
Friday, 14 May 2021
Coding with Python
Today in technology my class and I have been learning how to code with micro bits and last week Friday we used blocks but today we used something new called Python we had lost of fun doing the coding with the micro bits and we all had fun learning about new things in technology I'm going to miss this class after week three.
Here is my code for a flashing heart on a micro bit.
Thursday, 13 May 2021
W.A.L.T: we are learning to create accurate floor plans for building a house.
we used floorplancreator. net to do this
What I learnt from doing this activity is before you build a house you need a
*floor plan
*how big your room would be
*the measurement
When I grow up, if I joined the building industry, I would like to be a builder
Wednesday, 12 May 2021
Today in Kiwican my class and I were having a discussion about our topic which was integrity and our theme which was honesty. After our discussion we played a game called splash. It was like the game called bang but the word was swapped with splash. Once we were finished with our game we had another discussion about being honest and the kiwican leaders were giving us some questions for being honest. When we were done we all got into 4 groups and the groups were named after 4 animals which were doggy, tiger, kitty and finally piggy and we all had to say a chant. When we were done we all had a game of GKQ.

Friday, 7 May 2021
Coding the Microbit - Technology
So today in technology the year 8's learned how to do Rock, Paper, Scissors on our Microbit by following all of the steps one by one. Once we were all done coding our Rock, Paper, Scissors we all had a game with each other and it was really fun. Soon after that we did some other stuff like coding a Flashing heart, name tag, Smiley buttons, Dice, Love meters, Micro chat, coin flipper and finally the 7 seconds we all had so much fun making all of these fun things on the microbits
Tuesday, 4 May 2021
Monday, 12 April 2021
Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Monday, 29 March 2021
Monday, 22 March 2021
Project base learning
So today for project base learn in English we had to research about so of our favorite animals and for my favorite animal was a panda because I want to know lots of things about them and one of my question is how can they eats bamboo sticks without having it poking their mouth
Wednesday, 17 March 2021
Monday, 15 March 2021
cyber smart challenge #5
So today we did the cyber smart challenge 5 It was really exciting doing this challenge I really like this
Friday, 5 March 2021
Explanation Writing
P - point
E - evidence
E - example/explain
L - link to the next paragraph
Settlers Brought new changes to New Zealand in the early 19th century.Early European explorers introduced a wide range of food plants to New Zealand, including wheat, maize, potatoes, cabbage and carrots. Also an American whaler introduced a variety of kūmara which was larger than the one they were growing.Also people from British did bring some new changes to New Zealand but they brought muskets,war and houses.The reason why settlers brought new changes to New Zealand was because British were motivated by the desire to forestall the New Zealand Company and other European powers.
Thursday, 4 March 2021
Tuesday, 2 March 2021
Maths problem
If Roimata allows 3 biscuits for each person and there are 12 biscuits in a packet, how many packets of biscuits does she need?
Monday, 1 March 2021
The fight of the virus
Before this thing happened let's head back to 2020 people across the world thinks 2020 was going to be one of the best years ever but it all changed when a deadly virus called covid-19 came spreading across the world to all countries and killing anyone who stands in there way or infecting them so they can do the work for them and die later. All Doctors around the world are trying to make a cure for this virus but they would need more time to make it but for now the best thing we could do to help them is by staying home,wearing a mask,staying 2 feet away from others and always washing your hands before doing anything.
After a few months people were allowed to come out of their homes and smell the fresh air once again and little kids can go back to school to see their friends and they don’t need to be afraid of stay 2 feet away from them.During this time Doctors finished making there cure for this virus kids 12 and over had to get this cure injected into them so they can be safe.When coming to the end of 2020 people were excited to start a fresh new year but little did they know covid-19 always finds its way back.
Here in 2021 it's all peaceful around the world sometimes news reporters say we might go into lock down but after 2-3 days they would let us know if we are or not but till then we will never know?. On friday the 26 of february the news reporters told us once again we might be going into lock down but this time for good people were so shocked they couldn’t move. It’s like we're in a castle and we are being attacked and they found a way into our castle but If we can defend it we can fight the virus and end this miserable nightmare but for now we must pray and take a stand to overcome this virus and take back our freedom.