
Monday, 22 March 2021

Migration of Hummingbrds


Project base learning

 So today for project base learn in English we had to research about so of our favorite animals and for my favorite animal was a panda because I want to know lots of things about them and one of my question is how can they eats bamboo sticks without having it poking their mouthWhat is Project Based Learning? – EDTECH 4 BEGINNERS

Monday, 15 March 2021

cyber smart challenge #5

 So today we did the cyber smart challenge 5 It was really exciting doing this challenge I really like this

Word art


Friday, 5 March 2021

Measurement task for Friday


Explanation Writing

 P - point

E - evidence

E - example/explain

L - link to the next paragraph 

Settlers Brought new changes to New Zealand in the early 19th century.Early European explorers introduced a wide range of food plants to New Zealand, including wheat, maize, potatoes, cabbage and carrots. Also an American whaler introduced a variety of kūmara which was larger than the one they were growing.Also people from British did bring some new changes to New Zealand but they brought muskets,war and houses.The reason why settlers brought new changes to New Zealand was because British were motivated by the desire to forestall the New Zealand Company and other European powers.

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Family Tree


Maths problem

 If Roimata allows 3 biscuits for each person and there are 12 biscuits in a packet, how many packets of biscuits does she need?

3 X 172 = 3 x 100 = 300 3 X 70 = 210 3 X 2 = 6 Total = 516 biscuits 516 / 12 = 43 They need 43 packets of biscuits

So today for maths me and my group had to solve this problem using place value partitioning and divided it and thats how we solved it

Monday, 1 March 2021

2 minute speech


Cyber smart Challenge three


Cyber smart Challenge two

William Hobson/Infographic

My Dairy

The fight of the virus

 Before this thing happened let's head back to 2020 people across the world thinks 2020 was going to be one of the best years ever but it all changed when a deadly virus called covid-19 came spreading across the world to all countries and killing anyone who stands in there way or infecting them so they can do the work for them and die later. All Doctors around the world are trying to make a cure for this virus but they would need more time to make it but for now the best thing we could do to help them is by staying home,wearing a mask,staying 2 feet away from others and always washing your hands before doing anything.

After a few months people were allowed to come out of their homes and smell the fresh air once again and little kids can go back to school to see their friends and they don’t need to be afraid of stay 2 feet away from them.During this time Doctors finished making there cure for this virus kids 12 and over had to get this cure injected into them so they can be safe.When coming to the end of 2020 people were excited to start a fresh new year but little did they know covid-19 always finds its way back.

Here in 2021 it's all peaceful around the world sometimes news reporters say we might go into lock down but after 2-3 days they would let us know if we are or not but till then we will never know?. On friday the 26 of february the news reporters told us once again we might be going into lock down but this time for good people were so shocked they couldn’t move. It’s like we're in a castle and we are being attacked and they found a way into our castle but If we can defend it we can fight the virus and end this miserable nightmare but for now we must pray and take a stand to overcome this virus and take back our freedom.


Kawa of care - challenge #3


Kawa of care - challenge #2