So today was our first lesson on Pause Breathe Smile. We all got into a circle and started our lesson Mrs Tofa told all of us to close our eyes and breathe in and out then she told us when our mind goes somewhere we can say wonder and our mind will come back to us. Then she told us all to sit up straight and put our hands on our stomach and told us to breathe in and out will putting our hands on our stomach after doing this activity I felt like I was in a different world and I also felt clam.I really enjoyed this activity and I can't wait for the next pause breathe smile lesson.
I am a Year 8 student at Glenbrae School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 7 and my teachers are Mrs Tofa and Mrs Raj.
Monday, 24 May 2021
Friday, 21 May 2021
Last week in Technology- Coding microbit
So today was our last week of coding in Technology with our lovely teacher Miss Fergson. We had to use microbits to code steps. Its was really hard to do because we had to measure how long was a single leg stride, Miss Ferguson showed us how to measure our footsteps using a ruler and a chalk once we were done we coded the length of our footstep into the microbit and had a test try and once we found out it worked we were all happy and now i'm going to miss this coding class because I had lost of fun with our teacher Miss Fergson.
Thursday, 20 May 2021
Friday, 14 May 2021
Coding with Python
Today in technology my class and I have been learning how to code with micro bits and last week Friday we used blocks but today we used something new called Python we had lost of fun doing the coding with the micro bits and we all had fun learning about new things in technology I'm going to miss this class after week three.
Here is my code for a flashing heart on a micro bit.
Thursday, 13 May 2021
W.A.L.T: we are learning to create accurate floor plans for building a house.
we used floorplancreator. net to do this
What I learnt from doing this activity is before you build a house you need a
*floor plan
*how big your room would be
*the measurement
When I grow up, if I joined the building industry, I would like to be a builder
Wednesday, 12 May 2021
Today in Kiwican my class and I were having a discussion about our topic which was integrity and our theme which was honesty. After our discussion we played a game called splash. It was like the game called bang but the word was swapped with splash. Once we were finished with our game we had another discussion about being honest and the kiwican leaders were giving us some questions for being honest. When we were done we all got into 4 groups and the groups were named after 4 animals which were doggy, tiger, kitty and finally piggy and we all had to say a chant. When we were done we all had a game of GKQ.